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Let's start by getting the formalities out of the way.

We are Dana and George.

Engaged, in love, and doing things our way.

Here are the basics:


1. We live in a motorhome

2. George can fix anything

3. Dana can cook anything

4. We still work

5. We are active

Our goal here is to share our journey with you. We think more people should live life intentionally, and now, we are giving it our best go. 

Ready for our our origin story? 

Go ahead, make yourself a cup of tea, grab some popcorn and settle in...



...okay, you still there?


Great! Here goes nothin'!

coming  together

It was a beautiful fall day in Edgewater, New Jersey. The view from the restaurant was magnificent. Somehow, the Hudson River provided just enough space to transform 'The City that Never Sleeps' into a serene and calming landscape, and even with its skyscrapers tearing into the atmosphere, there was a peaceful stillness in the air.


Just after lunchtime, Dana, a recent college grad, stood inside, surveying her tables with a head full of dreams and a heart full of... ...anxiety. She could feel the tempo of the city, millions of footsteps in time with each other, creating the heartbeat of New York City.


Dana could feel the pressure pushing down on her. "Do something great!" They said. "You've got something!" They said. Little did she know, years later, that pressure would squeeze her little carbon heart into a diamond (which currently resides on her left ring finger). 

And in a flash, snap! Back to reality. Dana had a new table. 

There he sat. 

G2 - The booth in the back room. They were a relatively unassuming pair, the table radiated fun, happy, warm energy.  Perfect timing.


My skin was tingling and I could feel my trademark flushed color  NervousAwkwardRed™crawling up on me. Every time our eyes met, a surge of excitement raced through me and made its way out via sweat glands. Yes, its true... I was glistening. Some may call it red and sweaty, but I call it love. By the time their meal came to an end, we had exchanged emails and I was excited to 

I (Dana) could write a whole novel on falling in love with George and all the steps that brought us here, but you'd be sitting here for hours reading, when most likely you've got spreadsheets to tend to. 

So lets just suffice it to say, we fell in love that day, and spent the next year in a half working together (Yes, George was my boss.-- He hired me as a videographer).  


Are you still wondering who the other person at the table was? ha! I thought so! 

Didn't think I'd leave you hanging there now did ya? It was his son, who was 12 at the time (now is 19! and tripled in size!!! Ahhhh!!!). They were on a father-son date. George would frequently take his boys out separately so he could spend quality time with each of them. (cue "AWWWWWWW" from audience) To top it off George's son paid the bill. It was all too much for me, I was sold. 

My first meeting with George, post restaurant, was for a real job interview. George gave me his office address, and as any woman reading this can probably relate, I was skeptical that I might be walking into a trap and would get raped and killed that day.

I'm pretty sure I brought some kind of small sharp object with me. Okay maybe I've watched a little too much Law and Order SVU.

George did not kill me that day. 

In fact, I walked into an offie bustling with life, energy, and smiling faces pointed in my direction. Phew! What a relief!

George built (and is still currently building) utility scale solar farms in New Jersey.

I documented the projects, made promotional videos, zoomed around construction sites on an ATV buggy (lovingly referred to as "the gator") read buzzfeed articles galore, and occasionally dozed off during construction meetings. 

All the while, falling in love with George's competancy, open mind, and unorthodox approach to problem solving. Everything he does, he does with his heart. 

Once the retaining wall broke and the dam gave way, we finally got together. It was the most magical time of my life. I have never met anyone who excites me as much as he does and just gets me so well. 

I had to quit that job. It was IMPOSSIBLE to get any work done, when all I wanted to do was latch onto his back like a koala with an unceasing grip. 

I had a few jobs since then, mostly 9-5s and then my last one which was basically 24/7 and literally made me sick. I made an saved a decent amount of money. In the middle of all of that, George's younger brother Nik died tragically in a car accident in Palm Desert, California. He retired early (40) bought an old RV and headed out west to live intentionally. You can read my previous blog posts detailing it here and here if you've really got time to go back and catch up.  But if not, we took a road trip to Utah about 3 months after Nik's accident to go retrieve his RV. There were a few things that needed work, so we took it to camping world for maintenance and ended up leaving with our shiny new baby and embarking on a trip of our own.


This motorhome is our first house together and it really does feel like home wherever we are. I am in love with it. 


All of what we're doing is thanks to our love, but more than anything, thanks to George. Every morning, he inspires me (even when he thinks I'm still sleeping) by saying: 

"I will do what others wont do today so I can do what others cant do tomorrow."

Without this mantra, we never would have made it this far. 

Anything that's worth doing must be done with love. This is evidenced to me everyday with the actions and efforts of the man I love.


this blog is dedicated to the one I love, George     



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