2.1 Montana / Wyoming - Yellowstone
Just looked through all of Georges pics since the beginning of our trip.. and for starters.. I had NO clue what our start date was...
1.3 Utah Cot'd (and bits of chapter 2)
the last time I wrote I said I'd catch you up on the 16th through 20th. but being that it's the 26th and there's been a lot since then--...
1.2 Utah
(wrote this last night but had no wifi to post with.. and my hotspot was just not doin it...) Soo I'm currently sitting in the passenger...
1.1 indianapolis (and everything else)
blahhhhh---g. yeah. as it turns out, blogging is hard when you're behind the wheel, visiting friends, and see-ing sights. so here we are,...
oh man. jobless. this is such a weird feeling. i mean obviously i'm happy and SOOO excited for this upcoming trip. but being "unemployed"...