1.3 Utah Cot'd (and bits of chapter 2)
the last time I wrote I said I'd catch you up on the 16th through 20th. but being that it's the 26th and there's been a lot since then-- And I've already briefed you on those days... so lets get into... ...YELLOWSTONE <3 <3 <3 Yellowstone has actually already come and gone. we just left Bozeman which is a really cute college town with lots of unique shoppes (spelled that way because that's just the feeling the town exudes). c u t e . anyway lets back track for a minute.. shall we? on the morning of the 20th, we left Jareds house. Jared is one of Nik's friends and just happened to be the one he stayed with after his initial R trip leaving Jersey. I think when George, Nik and Ken (another one of Nik's friends -- who's name may resurface later in the blog-- he lives in SEATTLE!! I've been wanting to go to Seattle for YEARS!) initially drove out Nik's RV to Utah, Jareds was the final destination. So there's a little background on that. Jared has an awesome family and beautiful home. Total American dream type of life. Dog, white fence, active sporty wholesome family. So seeing Nik live out of the RV seemed crazy to him, and he invited Nik in to spend time with him and his family. Nik basically kid-like, uncle, buddy figure for everyone. Family. So yeah we spent a couple days with them which was really nice for George especially, to get a good feel for how his brother was living. And everything truly was on his own terms. It was awesome. The evening of the 20th, we left and headed for Yellowstone. And halfway through that ride I wrote my last entry. To sum it up-- Yellowstone National Park is truly magnificent. I'm not sure if anything within its bounds is considered a "wonder" of the world-- but if not it should be. Normally I'd google it and answer my own question but BLAH. I don't feel like it. And I'm typing this as a "note" in my iPhone. By the way-- any other millennials feel like they have carpel tunnel? my doctor told me I sprained my wrist a couple months ago but I'm starting to seriously think it's the texty-typey-thumby-thumb syndrome and actually I'm going to cut off my writing for a couple minutes cause my eyelids are heavy and I think I've earned a nap... zzzZZZzzz