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2.2 some thoughts out west.

first things off-- most of the rest of the country does not enforce parking.

we unknowingly parked in a 30 minute parking space for 2 hours-- came back to see a crusty old fellow admiring our land yacht. we figured he was issuing us a ticket but nope just checkin out the paint job.


what? really?

you've got to be kidding me.. I mean granted its the middle of the day on a Thursday (it's Thursday right?). yes it is, and I know this cause I just checked.. cause I had to because I'm completely loosing track of days.

I'm already thinking about how half my trip is over and how I will have some serious withdrawal after.

I imagine I'll be busy seeing you, and everyone else I care about. unless of course you are some random internet stranger reading this.. then I probably won't see you. but I'll still blog about life thing so you can follow along anyway.

(autocorrect changed my typo of thigs to thugs def my fave one.. much better than ducking if you ask me)

no tickets here. or anywhere. except cities who are real sticklers.

the last time I wrote covered a day in Yellowstone.

so today we're gonna go back to that dreamland for a minute because I keep drifting off to thermal pools geysers and bison. with cherries on top.

from there we'll go to Bozeman and choteau-- I forget which came first but will once again reference "texts with mom" to straighten it out.

the. we'll make our way to glacier national park, take the most ridiculous hike of our lives, see the local flora, fauna what have you..

from there we'll stop through Wallace, where I'll be your un-official tour guide through the center of the universe.

then Spokane, Portland hecta and here! redwood rv park! I'll break it up into separate blog posts. so let's end this one here. onto the realness.

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