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2.5 IDAHO n MONTANA musings.

Ok once again going back in time, but a different way.

All I want to do is catch up with present day’s writings, so you’re here with me, but that’s tough. At least I am presently still in the same chapter of this trip.

I’m not sure I explained how the trip is broken up into these chapters.

Chapter 1 was to get to Nik’s RV.

Chapter 2 was our own exploration of National Parks of the northwest, some random towns and cities along the way, and a bunch of Parks in California. We’re nearing the end of chapter two so I am hoping to get current with these blog posts soon.

Chapter 3 is going to be myself and Georgie boy going on the same trip that his brother did with his girlfriend within a few weeks of his passing.

Chapter 4 is the journey from the southwest to the southeast (Key Largo specifically)


Chapter 5 will most likely be a flight home. But we might drive the golf home. That’s up in the air.

So real time is still chapter 2.

And once again I’m getting antsy about the end of the trip..

I’m also realizing that we have A LOT to do in a relatively short amount of time.

But we’ve already done a ton so I should just go with the flow and breathe.

Anxietys a bitch huh?

Lets go back to a time when stones were yellow and we loved them oh so much.

Oh! Yellowstone I love you, you’re marvelous.

K so after Yellowstone we decided we would head to Glacier National park, mostly because the glaciers are melting.

I’m pretty sure in previous blog posts I skipped us going through Idaho the first time (we passed through twice)

The first time we went through southern idaho en route to Yellowstone… I think?

On the way we picked up our first load of groceries at a native American grocery store. There was nothing particularly native about it--- I was SURE there would be moccasins inside but alas, Heinz ketchup, diet pepsi and kraft mac cheese met me at the door. So we stocked up on some produce, pantry supplies and ended up skipping out on the local fare (frozen pork brains and buffalo steaks). Then that night we stayed at “Fort Hill RV park and Casino”.

Loved this place. We played the fish game of course and after a few hours were only 5 bucks in the hole, so I call that a win. 5 bucks for hours of entertainment?? That’s A-OK by me.

The next day we continued onto Yellowstone (methinks) and if you haven’t heard me babble on about its splendor quite enough you can read back a few entries and refresh yourself.


From Yellowstone we headed north staying in both Bozeman and Choteau. I’ll be brief about both because theres really not much to speak of.

No offense Bodies and Choties.

Bozeman, MT is a collegetown with tons of restaurants, shoppes, malls, etc. They have BEAUTIFUL views of Montana and there are tons of hikes to take around. But for this trip, Bozeman felt more like a consumers paradise and I’ve been hiking, eating granola bars and wearing the same sweater for 44 days, so I’m sorry Bozeman but we were just not on the same page. (But each person we spoke with was really nice/helpful/pleasant. One guy seemed grouchy but wasn’t—his moustache just made him look frowny)

Then Choteau--- this place is pretty far up north, close-ish to Glacier National Park. The drive here is spectacular. Some of the most beautiful scenery imaginable. (All of Montana is actually—I think driving wise Montana is the most breath-taking place) Its up and down over tons of hills of golden grain, purple mountains majesty and fruited plain type of stuff… The song had to be written with Montana in mind. On the way we passed a bunch of towns that look like theyre straight out of the old west, and they are.. they just haven’t changed because they don’t need to. Its charming, its Americana it’s a little run down, its no frills and I love it. Mostly everything was closed as we went through—when we reached our RV park that night it was cold and late (7pm lol) but in this sleepy american town, everything closes early in the off season. I do not recall what we did for dinner that night but Im sure it was something easy and yum. (we do cook a lot in this thing. Its pretty great)

The next morning we left the town en route to Glacier, and on the way stopped to see the dinosaur thing and buy some rocks…

Oh man I am tired and don’t want to write anymore.

I am doing good here though… only 11 more places to post about between here and now…..

Ha. Lemme try for more tomorrow.









also realizing i didn't attach dates to any of this stuff--- it was all around the end of september.. i'll come back and edit it later on. too tired now. blahhhhhhhh-g

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